30 sept 2020

Embludgeoned & Human Filleted - Split 2007


Bands: Embludgeoned / Human Filleted

Country: EEUU 


1 - Embludgeoned - Digestion of the Self

2 - Embludgeoned - Cummunion of Christ's Second Cumming

3 - Embludgeoned - In Darkness Shrouded

4 - Embludgeoned - Colonic Combustion

5 - Embludgeoned - A Crown of Flies upon Her Severed Head

6 - Embludgeoned - Condemned by Conformity

7 - Human Filleted - Headless

8 - Human Filleted - Remembering How She Bled

9 - Human Filleted - Grisly Homicidal Butchery

10 - Human Filleted - Perverse Transmogrification

11 - Human Filleted - Coffin Birth

12 - Human Filleted - Butchered Beyond Recognition

Download here---> Split

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